A lot of people may not understand my message but it's the way I see Life : As much as I walk with my head held high all the time I am only human and can only take so much. Being Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual , Transgender in this world isn't the easiest thing at all . We are often bullied , killed , or even pressured into killing ourselves "suicide". I try to never let these words get to me but trust me these hurt and sink into your heart more then I think getting beat up . I try to not let it bother me but at the end of the day I sometimes just crawl up my bed and cry my eyes out and asking God for this world to be a much better , understanding and Safe place . Love Has no Gender we are all entitled to our own opinions but if your opinion is going to hurt someone's Soul please keep it to yourself , I beg of you . #iAmMoreThanthe Faggot you see at the club ,#iAmMoreThan the Queer at the Mall ,#iAmMoreThan the Joto at the Restaurant , #iAmMoreThan the Homo at the Gym , #iAmMoreThan the Tranny that you say is trying to hard in life and will never be a woman .... #iAmMoreThanthe "thing" you make fun of on Social Media #iAmHuman #iAmMoreThan #iAmHuman
Growth & positivity